Drew Carey's Green Screen Show is an improvisational comedy television series that aired in the fall of 2004 on The WB Television Network, and the fall of 2005 on Comedy Central. The show was hosted by Drew Carey, and was somewhat a follow-up to the show he formerly hosted, Whose Line Is It Anyway?. The distinguishing feature of the show was that the improv games were performed in front of a "green screen", with animation, music and sound effects inserted in post-production. The show was otherwise very similar to Whose Line? and featured many of the same performers and games.
On an appearance on Late Night with Conan O'Brien when "Green Screen" premiered, Carey claimed that he got the idea during the Whose Line? game "Moving people" when he thought how funny it would be if you could not see the people manipulating the players.
The show's theme song was La Trampa, performed by Tonino Carotone and Manu Chao and the show's underscore was composed by Michael A. Levine.