Down to Earth

"Down to Earth" is an American fantasy situation comedy that delighted audiences from 1984 to 1987 during its run on Superstation TBS. This unique series melded elements of comedy and fantasy, creating an engaging narrative that resonated with viewers. The show was initially produced by The Arthur Company and later taken over by Procter & Gamble Productions, showcasing its evolution and the growing interest in original programming on cable television. "Down to Earth" was particularly notable for being the first original series produced by Superstation TBS, marking a significant step in the channel's foray into scripted content.

The series featured an ensemble cast that brought its quirky characters to life, including Dick Sargent as Richard Preston, a central figure navigating the unpredictable twists of a world where the ordinary collides with the fantastical. Also starring David Kaufman, the show cleverly blended humor with imaginative storytelling, capturing the essence of its time while addressing timeless themes of love, aspiration, and the challenges of everyday life. Through witty dialogue and relatable situations, the characters garnered affection from the audience, making each episode a joy to watch.

"Down to Earth" captured the spirit of the 1980s, mirroring the decade's larger cultural movements, particularly the growing interest in supernatural themes within comedy. As the series progressed, it carved out a space for itself in the television landscape, inviting viewers to explore a whimsical blend of reality and fantasy. Despite its relatively short run, the impact of "Down to Earth" can still be felt, as it laid the groundwork for future shows that sought to blend genres and push the boundaries of conventional sitcoms.

Full Cast of Down to Earth

David Kaufman

David Kaufman

David Kaufman is an American actor.

Kyle Richards as Elizabeth "Lissy" Preston

Kyle Richards

as Elizabeth "Lissy" Preston (106 episodes)

Kyle Richards (born January 11, 1969) is an American actress and television personality. She is known for her few rol...

Randy Josselyn

Martha Gallub

as Sonja (1 episode)

Crew of Down to Earth

Discover the backstage crew of Down to Earth →