Cast of
Don't Keep Off the Grass

About Don't Keep Off the Grass

  • Released on October 06, 1960
  • Comedy

Daddy Kárász, the stakhanovist worker, complains in a television interview about the fact that his family, consisting of many members, cannot get a home on their own. Kéri, the chairman of the local authority, promises to help him on the condition that if he does not, they may move in to his villa at elegant Pasarét. Nothing happens, therefore the Kárász family takes Kéri by his word. From this time on, tumultuous scenes and frequent quarrels take place in the villa between the two families.

Full Cast of Don't Keep Off the Grass

János Horkay
plays journalist

János Horkay was born on April 11, 1924 and passed away 13 years ago at the age of 86 on June 19, 2010.

See János Horkay's other roles

Ferenc Pethes

Ferenc Pethes

Ferenc Pethes was born on August 7, 1905 and passed away 45 years ago at the age of 73 on March 21, 1979.

See Ferenc Pethes's other roles

Antal Páger
plays Antal Kéri

Antal Páger as Antal Kéri

Antal Páger was born on January 29, 1899 and passed away 37 years ago at the age of 87 on December 14, 1986.

See Antal Páger's other roles

Márta Fónay

Márta Fónay

Márta Fónay was born on September 23, 1914 and passed away 29 years ago at the age of 80 on November 22, 1994.

See Márta Fónay's other roles

József Szendrő
plays Gyula Oroszlán, registrar

József Szendrő as Gyula Oroszlán, registrar

József Szendrő was born on August 18, 1914 and passed away 52 years ago at the age of 57 on October 22, 1971.

See József Szendrő's other roles

Rudolf Romhányi

András Tassy

Sándor Siménfalvy