In the third installment of the highly popular Despicable Me franchise, we are once again introduced to a colorful cast of characters. Our protagonist is none other than the charming and lovable Gru, voiced by the incredibly talented Steve Carell. Gru, the once notorious supervillain, finds himself in a new phase of life as a reformed villain and loving husband to Lucy, played by the ever hilarious Kristen Wiig. Together, Gru and Lucy make a formidable team, balancing their roles as parents and secret agents, expertly navigating the complex world of parenthood and crime-fighting.
However, their family bliss is soon threatened by the emergence of a villainous force from the past. Enter Balthazar Bratt, a former '80s child star turned supervillain, who is hell-bent on global domination. Despite his seemingly harmless facade, Bratt's uncanny ability to weaponize pop culture and bubblegum makes him an unpredictable and formidable adversary for our heroes. With his arsenal of '80s inspired gadgets and penchant for the dramatic, Bratt is determined to bring back the '80s by whatever twisted means necessary.
As Gru and Lucy are tasked with putting a stop to Bratt's nefarious plans, audiences are treated to a wild ride filled with laugh-out-loud humor, heartwarming moments, and edge-of-your-seat action. The film expertly balances the comedic and heartfelt moments, offering viewers plenty to laugh and cry about. In true Despicable Me fashion, the movie features an unforgettable soundtrack, charming animation, and a star-studded cast, making it a must-watch for fans of the franchise and newcomers alike. So, buckle up for a rollercoaster ride of hilarity and adventure as Gru and Lucy take on the villainous force of Balthazar Bratt in Despicable Me 3.
Steven John Carell (born August 16, 1962) is an American actor and comedian. He played Michael Scott in The Office (2...
Kristen Carroll Wiig (born August 22, 1973) is an American actress, voice actress, writer, producer, and comedian. Sh...
Trey Parker (born Randolph Severn Parker III; October 19, 1969) is an American animator, screenwriter, director, prod...
Miranda Taylor Cosgrove (born May 14, 1993) is an American actress, singer and songwriter. Her career began at the ag...
Nev Scharrel was born on January 14, 2009 and is currently 15 years old.
Stephen John "Steve" Coogan (born 14 October 1965) is an English comedian, actor, writer and producer. His best know...
Dame Julia Elizabeth Andrews, DBE is a British film and stage actress, singer, and author. She is the recipient of Go...
Jenny Sarah Slate (born March 25, 1982) is an American stand-up comedian, actress, voice actress and author, known fo...
Andy Nyman is an English actor and magician. Nyman first came to note with his performance as a hard nosed director ...
Lori Alan (née Denniberg, born July 18, 1966) is an American actress, voice actress, writer, producer, and stand-up c...
Carlos Jaime Alazraqui (born July 20, 1962) is an American actor, stand-up comedian, impressionist and voice actor. H...
Robert "Bob" Bergen (born March 8, 1964) is an American voice actor. He is the current voice of Porky Pig (having per...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jess Q. Harnell (born December 23, 1963) is an American voice actor and singe...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Greggory "Gregg" Berger (born December 10, 1950) is an American voice actor, ...
John Kassir was born on October 24, 1957 and is currently 67 years old.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mona Marshall (born Mona Mortica Ianotti on August 31, 1947) is an American vo...
Laraine Newman is an American actress, voice actress, comedian and writer, who was part of the original cast of NBC's...
Mindy Lee Sterling (born July 11, 1953) is an American actress. She portrayed Frau Farbissina in the Austin Powers fi...
James Kevin Ward is an American voice actor.
Matthew Wood is an American sound engineer, voice actor and employee of Skywalker Sound. He has worked on numerous fi...
Tara Lyn Charendoff-Strong (born February 12, 1973) is a Canadian-American actress, voice-over artist, comedian, musi...