Cast and Crew of Desperate Widows

Cast of
Desperate Widows

About Desperate Widows

A widow and her daughter join a commune that is actually a front for something much more sinister.

Full Cast of Desperate Widows

Kate Bond
plays Tessa

Sarah J. Cornelius
plays Elizabeth

Michael Dean
plays FBI Agent

Bill Dion
plays Deputy Ferrell

Justine Eyre
plays Paige

Elyssa Joy
plays Samantha

Geri-Nikole Love
plays Kianna

Aylya Marzolf
plays Willow

Allison McAtee
plays Dianne

Allison McAtee as Dianne

Allison McAtee is an actress.

See Allison McAtee's other roles

Jake B. Miller
plays Jon / Greyson

Jake B. Miller as Jon / Greyson

Jake Miller is an actor.

See Jake B. Miller's other roles

Tabitha Petrini
plays Melissa

Bret Shefter
plays Dr. Dylan Norse

Olivia Stuck
plays Allie

Mark Valeriano
plays Boyfriend

Crew of Desperate Widows

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