Cast and Crew of Deleted Scenes

Cast of
Deleted Scenes

About Deleted Scenes

  • Released on January 01, 2010
  • Drama

When 30 something Sean meets Eastern European immigrant Wolf, sparks fly. They return to Sean’s apartment and begin a high energy and hugely sexual affair. What starts as a mere chance meeting slowly evolves into something more. Wolf is easy going, turning tricks to supplement his living, while Sean is needy, talkative and neurotic. Creating a stable relationship is fraught with problems. With Wolf disappearing for hours at a time and Sean doing drugs the two of them seem to be headed down a path of destruction.

Full Cast of Deleted Scenes

J.Stephen Brantley

J.Stephen Brantley

J.Stephen Brantley has appeared Off-Broadway in The Directors Co production of Murder In The First at 59E59, Ensemble...

See J.Stephen Brantley's other roles

Ivica Marc
plays Wolf