In a blue-collar American town, a group of teens bands together to form the Dandies, a gang of gunslingers led by Dick Dandelion. Following a code of strict pacifism at odds with the fact that they all carry guns, the group eventually lets in Sebastian, the grandson of Dick's childhood nanny, Clarabelle, who fears the other gangs in the area. Dick and company try to protect Clarabelle, but events transpire that push the gang past posturing.
Michael Anthony Angarano (born December 3, 1987) is an American actor. He became known for his roles in the film Musi...
See Michael Angarano's other roles →Danso Gordon (born August 3, 1979) is a Canadian actor. Gordon was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and lived in Hal...
See Danso Gordon's other roles →Alison Pill (born November 27, 1985) is a Canadian actress. A former child actress, Pill began her career at age 12, ...
See Alison Pill's other roles →Trevor Cooper was born on May 21, 1953 and is currently 71 years old.
See Trevor Cooper's other roles →William Michael Hootkins was born on July 5, 1948, in Dallas, Texas. He moved to London, England in the early '70s an...
See William Hootkins's other roles →