Cast of
David & Fatima

About David & Fatima

  • Released on June 27, 2008
  • Drama

A retelling of Romeo and Juliet in Jerusalem involving a Palestinian woman and an Israeli man.

Full Cast of David & Fatima

Cameron Van Hoy
plays David Isaac

Danielle Duvale
plays Fatima Aziz (as Danielle Pollack)

Martin Landau
plays Rabbi Schmulic

Martin Landau as Rabbi Schmulic

Martin James Landau (June 20, 1928 – July 15, 2017) was an American actor, acting coach, producer, and editorial cart...

See Martin Landau's other roles

Tony Curtis
plays Mr. Schwartz

Tony Curtis as Mr. Schwartz

Tony Curtis (June 3, 1925 – September 29, 2010) was an American film actor whose career spanned six decades, but had ...

See Tony Curtis's other roles

Crew of David & Fatima

Discover the backstage crew of David & Fatima →