The story of an Olympic high jumper, played by Brent Carver, who loses his leg and yet doggedly persists in his pursuit of athletic glory. Released a year before Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope, this made-for-Canadian-TV movie, which also stars Sex and the City's Kim Cattrall, has been described as a tear-jerker.
Tom Butler is a Canadian television and film actor. He best known for his television role on the science fiction ser...
See Tom Butler's other roles →Kim Victoria Cattrall (born August 21, 1956) is a British-Canadian actress, best known for her role as Samantha Jones...
See Kim Cattrall's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sara Botsford (born April 8, 1951) is a Canadian television and film actres...
See Sara Botsford's other roles →