Cast of
Cries of the Unborn

About Cries of the Unborn

  • Released on May 22, 2017
  • Drama

When three young, pregnant women are held against their will, a jury must examine just how far they would go to save a life.

Full Cast of Cries of the Unborn

Obaid Kadwani
plays Juror #9

Yaron Urbas
plays Juror #2

Joanne Baron
plays Juror #8

Joanne Baron as Juror #8

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Joanne Baron is an actress and Meisner Method acting coach. She was raised in ...

See Joanne Baron's other roles

Robert Loggia
plays Robert Lation

Robert Loggia as Robert Lation

Salvatore "Robert" Loggia (January 3, 1930 – December 4, 2015) was an American actor. He was nominated for the Academ...

See Robert Loggia's other roles

Alycia Cooper
plays Juror #6