
“Creepers” follows a group of young explorers who investigate an old abandoned hotel, only to encounter a strange supernatural being and a competing group looking for a legendary hidden treasure.

Full Cast of Creepers

Francesca Reale as Cora

Francesca Reale

as Cora

Francesca Reale was born on August 23, 1994 and is currently 30 years old.

Adeline Rudolph as Diane

Adeline Rudolph

as Diane

Adeline Rudolph is a Hong Kong-born actress of German and Korean descent. She portrays Agatha Night on Netflix's Chil...

Laurence O'Fuarain as Balenger

Laurence O'Fuarain

as Balenger

Laurence O'Fuarain was born on April 24, 1990 and is currently 34 years old.

Kai Caster

as JD

Kai Caster was born on July 13, 1999 and is currently 25 years old.

Crew of Creepers

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