Coraline is a stop-motion animated dark fantasy film that was released in 2009, based on the novella of the same name by Neil Gaiman. The movie was directed by Henry Selick, who is known for his work on other stop-motion animated films such as The Nightmare Before Christmas. Coraline features an all-star voice cast, including Dakota Fanning as the voice of the main character, Coraline Jones, and Teri Hatcher as the voice of her mother, Mel Jones, as well as Other Mother in the parallel universe.
The story of Coraline follows the young and adventurous Coraline Jones, who has just moved with her parents to a creaky old house in the countryside. While exploring her new home, Coraline discovers a small door hidden behind wallpaper that leads to an idealized parallel universe. In this world, Coraline meets doppelgangers of her parents and other residents of the house, who are more attentive and caring than their real-world counterparts. However, as Coraline spends more time in the parallel universe, she begins to realize that it contains a sinister secret.
The parallel universe, while seemingly perfect at first, starts to reveal its darker side. The Other Mother, who initially appears to be a loving and doting parent, starts to show her true colors. She wants to keep Coraline in the parallel universe forever, and she is willing to do anything to make that happen, including sewing buttons onto Coraline's eyes to keep her there. Coraline must use all of her courage and wit to outsmart the Other Mother and find a way back to her real family. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about the importance of family, friendship, and staying true to oneself. Coraline is a thrilling and visually stunning film that is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. John Kellogg Hodgman (born June 3, 1971) is an American actor, author and humo...