"City of the City" is a captivating drama that follows the journey of a young man named Tao Wujie, who moves from a small town to the bustling city of Shanghai to start his career at the Binjiang branch of Shenmao Bank. Alongside him is his girlfriend, Tian Xiaohui, a savvy and ambitious woman from Shanghai who joins a trust company through her cousin's connections. The two are determined to make a name for themselves in the financial industry and build a life in the city.
Wujie, with his strong work ethic and natural talent, quickly catches the eye of his superiors, including the branch manager Zhao Hui and the audit director Miao Che. They take him under their wing and help him navigate the complex world of banking, guiding him towards a fulfilling career. As Wujie finds his footing and purpose in his work, Xiaohui faces a different set of challenges in her trust company. She fights tooth and nail for survival, climbing the ranks through ruthless competition and learning the hard way that the world of finance is not for the faint of heart.
"City of the City" is not just a story of two young professionals trying to make it in the big city, but also a tale of two generations of financial workers. Zhao Hui and Miao Che, who mentor Wujie, represent the older generation of financial workers who have seen it all and are willing to pass on their wisdom to the next generation. Through their experiences and the challenges they face, Wujie and Xiaohui learn valuable lessons about loyalty, ambition, and the true cost of success. This thought-provoking drama is a must-watch for anyone interested in the world of finance, the complexities of human relationships, and the unyielding spirit of ambition.