Cast and Crew of Circle of Pain

Cast of
Circle of Pain

About Circle of Pain

  • Released on August 15, 2010
  • Action

Following an in-ring accident, Dalton Hunt retired from the world of mixed martial arts at the top of his game. Unable to outrun his guilt, he lost his family, his title, and his way. But when a crooked promoter lures him back into a fight against the current undefeated champ, Patrick "The Brick" Wahle, Dalton must enlist the aid of an enigmatic trainer to turn him back into a warrior so he can stand tall and do battle once again.

Full Cast of Circle of Pain

Tony Schiena
plays Dalton Hunt

Dean Cain
plays Wyatt

Dean Cain as Wyatt

His mother, actress Sharon Thomas, married his adoptive father, director Christopher Cain; when Dean was three. Thoug...

See Dean Cain's other roles

Bai Ling
plays Victoria Rualan

Bai Ling as Victoria Rualan

Bai Ling (born October 10, 1966) is a Chinese actress with American citizenship, known for her work in the films The ...

See Bai Ling's other roles

Heath Herring
plays Colin 'The Brick' Wahle

Kimbo Slice
plays Reg

Yves Edwards
plays Bronner

Roger Huerta
plays Roger

Crew of Circle of Pain

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