Cast and Crew of Child Eater

Cast of
Child Eater

About Child Eater

  • Released on October 28, 2016
  • Horror

A simple night of babysitting takes a horrifying turn when Helen realizes the boogeyman really is in little Lucas' closet.

Full Cast of Child Eater

Caitlin Bliss
plays Helen Connolly

Colin Critchley
plays Lucas Parker

Colin Critchley as Lucas Parker

Colin Critchley is an American actor, best known for his role in the TV series Super Wings! as Donnie.

See Colin Critchley's other roles

Jason Martin
plays Robert Bowery

James Wilcox
plays Sheriff Connolly

Dave Klasko
plays Tom

Brandon Smalls
plays Casey

Melinda Chilton
plays Ginger

Andrew Kaempfer
plays Wesley

Kara Durrett
plays Rebecca

Weston Wilson
plays Matthew Parker

Charlotte Patton
plays Concerned Woman

Hilary R. Walker
plays Nurse

Crew of Child Eater

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