Cast of
Cheryl Dunye & Ellen Spiro, DiAna's Hair Ego REMIX

About Cheryl Dunye & Ellen Spiro, DiAna's Hair Ego REMIX

  • Released on December 01, 2017

Thirty years after Ellen Spiro made DiAna’s Hair Ego: AIDS Info Up Front, the AIDS crisis is still raging in the deep South where the film was shot. Director Cheryl Dunye, after reading about the ongoing AIDS crisis in the South, visits DiAna DiAna and Dr. Bambi Gaddist in the hair salon in Columbia, South Carolina where they first began their innovative safe sex education work. DiAna’s Hair Ego REMIX is the beginning of a new story and new hope in the face of an ongoing tragedy. Commissioned in 2017 as part of ALTERNATE ENDINGS, RADICAL BEGINNINGS, a program of seven videos prioritizing Black narratives within the ongoing AIDS epidemic curated by Erin Christovale and Vivian Crockett for Visual AID

Crew of Cheryl Dunye & Ellen Spiro, DiAna's Hair Ego REMIX