Cast and Crew of Catfish: Trolls

Cast of
Catfish: Trolls

About Catfish: Trolls

  • Released on July 17, 2018

The three-week event will explore one of the most pervasive and consistent issues online: internet trolling. Using the "Catfish" brand of investigating the truth, host and executive producer Charlamagne Tha God, and his co-host, social media entrepreneur Raymond Braun, will confront the issue head-on and bring subjects face-to-face with their aggressors for the first time.

Full Cast of Catfish: Trolls

Raymond Braun

Charlamagne Tha God

Charlamagne Tha God

Lenard Larry McKelvey, known professionally as Charlamagne tha God, is an American radio presenter, television person...

See Charlamagne Tha God's other roles