Carefully Taught is a thought-provoking and at times comedic documentary revealing the intricate web between US policies, Asian stereotypes and media representation. Experts and artists deconstruct the Western development of Asian identity and share stories highlighting its impact on individual lives. A timely countermeasure for rising Sinophobia in the West, this film confronts the surge in anti-Asian hate crimes and issues a powerful call for societal and individual reconstruction.
Lilan Bowden is an actress and writer.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Parvesh Singh Cheena (born July 22, 1979 in Elk Grove, Illinois) is an Americ...
Tim Chiou was born on November 23, 1979 and is currently 44 years old.
Eugene Cordero is an American actor, writer, and comedian. Frequently appearing in comedic roles, he has been feature...