The original is an impressive sports manga featuring not heroes, but common boys, and the story depicts the growth of Sumiya 2 junior high school baseball team (the successive captains and players) in downtown Tokyo. Takao Taniguchi, who was a substitute player of the second team of Aoba Gakuin, a prestigious junior high school in the baseball world, but he transferred to Sumiya 2 and he became the captain of the baseball club. After steady training, the team try to do a final game in the regional preliminaries, against Aoba Gakuin.
Ryusei Nakao, born as Tomoharu Takeo, is a Japanese actor, voice actor, and singer affiliated with 81Produce. He is o...
See Ryusei Nakao's other roles →Mitsuo Iwata was born on July 31, 1967 in Saitama, Japan. He is an actor and voice actor, known for Akira (1988), Pap...
See Mitsuo Iwata's other roles →