Cast and Crew of Cantata

Cast of

About Cantata

  • Released on February 28, 1963
  • Drama

A young doctor undergoes a spiritual crisis when he returns to his rural home.

Full Cast of Cantata

Miklós Szakáts
plays Docent

Miklós Szakáts as Docent

Miklós Szakáts was born on April 30, 1920 and passed away 39 years ago at the age of 64 on October 22, 1984.

See Miklós Szakáts's other roles

Béla Barsi
plays father Ambrus

Béla Barsi as father Ambrus

Béla Barsi was born on January 23, 1906 and passed away 56 years ago at the age of 62 on April 30, 1968.

See Béla Barsi's other roles

György Györffy
plays Artist