Evangelion Collection

The Evangelion Collection is a captivating assortment of Japanese animated films, born from the immensely popular and critically acclaimed original series, "Neon Genesis Evangelion." Fans of the series, as well as those new to this thrilling universe, will find themselves drawn into the riveting storyline and enigmatic characters. This collection encapsulates the essence of the series, offering both a concise recap for viewers who want a refresher and an intriguing alternate ending for those who seek new perspectives to complement the existing narrative.

Delving deeper into the collection, we find a myriad of enthralling titles: "Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth," "Revival of Evangelion," "Evangelion: Death (True)²," and "Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion." "Death and Rebirth" presents a condensed retelling of the first 24 episodes of the series, while introducing new scenes, plus a sneak peek into the "End of Evangelion." Those who crave a more comprehensive, enriched chapter are in for a treat with "Revival of Evangelion." Simultaneously, "Evangelion: Death (True)²" offers an alternative view to the first film, featuring enhanced animation and additional dialogues, making it a must-watch for those in search of different angles to the story. Finally, the cryptic gem "Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion" provides a gripping, alternative conclusion to the original series, fleshing out character arcs and delivering thought-provoking symbolism that will keep fans pondering long after the credits roll.

The Evangelion Collection is truly an essential addition for animation and science fiction aficionados alike. Through its innovative storytelling, visually stunning animation, and stirring soundtrack, it pushes the boundaries of the genre, challenging viewers to contemplate complex themes such as identity, existentialism, and the relentless pursuit of purpose. Its carefully crafted narrative envelops viewers in a gripping, emotional journey that will resonate long after the final film has drawn to a close.