Cast of
Block Party Madness

About Block Party Madness

  • Released on September 09, 2008
  • Comedy

AJ and his homie Trip are determined to throw the hottest block party of the summer, for the third year in a row. This year there will be more obstacles than ever, but nothin’ can stop these boyz from having a good time.

Full Cast of Block Party Madness

Dan Garcia
plays X

David Garcia
plays Dro

Clifton Powell
plays Action Jackson

Tommy Lister Jr.
plays Slim

Tommy Lister Jr. as Slim

Tommy "Tiny" Lister (born Thomas Lister, Jr.; June 24, 1958, died December 10, 2020) was a character actor and former...

See Tommy Lister Jr.'s other roles

Chauvon Higgins
plays Kanisha

Lucky Johnson
plays Pimpkin Kevin

George Boyd
plays Trip

Mr. Magic
plays A.J.

Natasha Marc
plays Carrie

Crew of Block Party Madness

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