Black Creek

A dark, gritty, dystopian, western action martial arts film featuring a strong 'no-holds-barred' female protagonist portrayed by action film star Cynthia Rothrock. The plot centers around a sheriff’s sister who seeks revenge against the terrifying leader of a group of outlaws after discovering he brutally murdered her brother, his wife, and other family members in a gritty southwestern town.

Full Cast of Black Creek

Kevin Sorbo

Kevin Sorbo

Kevin Sorbo is an American actor, producer, and director. He was born on September 24, 1958, in Mound, Minnesota. Sor...

Jody Nolan

as Chad Carver
R. Marcos Taylor as Roy

R. Marcos Taylor

as Roy

At five years old, all Marcus wanted to become was Superman. When he realized that couldn't happen, he decided taking...

Jim Peterik

Eliza Kelley

as Janie

Janine Avanti

as Yvette

Robert Clancy

as Frank
Benny Urquidez as Ring Fighter #1

Benny Urquidez

as Ring Fighter #1

Benny Urquidez (born June 20, 1952) is an American kickboxer, martial arts choreographer and actor. Nicknamed "The Je...

Crew of Black Creek

Discover the backstage crew of Black Creek →