Beyond Westworld was a short-lived 1980 television series that carried on the stories of the two feature films, Westworld and Futureworld. It featured Jim McMullan as Security Chief John Moore of the Delos Corporation. The story revolved around John Moore having to stop the evil scientist, Quaid, as he planned to use the robots in Delos to try to take over the world. Despite being nominated for two Emmys, only five episodes were produced, and only three of them were aired before cancellation.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michael Pataki (January 16, 1938 – April 15, 2010) was an American character ...
An American actor, known for portraying Father Mulcahy in the movie version of M-A-S-H and for creating a number of c...
Jack Chakrin (June 24, 1922 – June 28, 2015), known by his stage name Jack Carter, was an American comedian, actor an...
George Hosato Takei Altman (born April 20, 1937) is an American actor of Japanese descent, best known for his role in...