In this animated adventure based on the popular toy line, Betsy Bubblegum travels to Yummi-Land, a whimsical land full of sugar-coated streets and beautiful music. She quickly makes friends with the Candy, Flower and Ice Cream Pop Girls, helping them plan a big event. Betsy does all kinds of new things, like play in a band and work in a beauty salon. She discovers that it's doing her best and being a good friend that makes her the most welcome.
Kelly Sheridan (born May 19, 1977 in Ottawa, Ontario) is a Canadian voice actress based in Vancouver, British Columbi...
Kathleen Barr is a Canadian-American voice actress.
Rob Tinkler was born on May 12, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.
Ashleigh Ball was born on March 31, 1983 and is currently 41 years old.
Tabitha St. Germain is an award-winning Canadian stage actress. She has recently made the transition from stage work ...
Ron Pardo is a Canadian actor. On PAW Patrol (2013), Ron has performed the voice of Cap'n Turbot since the very first...