Cast and Crew of Betroffenheit from Sadler's Wells

Cast of
Betroffenheit from Sadler's Wells

About Betroffenheit from Sadler's Wells

  • Released on May 07, 2017
  • Drama

Created by Crystal Pite and Jonathon Young, the award-winning Betroffenheit is a boundary-stretching hybrid between theatre and dance that explores the psychological states of trauma, grief and addiction.

Full Cast of Betroffenheit from Sadler's Wells

Jonathon Young
plays Performer

Jonathon Young as Performer

Jonathon Young is a Canadian actor best known for his role of Nikola Tesla on the SyFy show Sanctuary. Appearances in...

See Jonathon Young's other roles

Crew of Betroffenheit from Sadler's Wells

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