Cast and Crew of Berserker

Cast of

About Berserker

  • Released on July 04, 1987

Six young adults in the woods run afoul of a berserker, a viking warrior who dons the fur and snout of a bear, and are slain in turn by him.

Full Cast of Berserker

Joseph Alan Johnson
plays Mike

Greg Dawson
plays Josh

Valerie Sheldon
plays Kathy

Shannon Engemann
plays Kristi

Beth Toussaint
plays Shelly

Rodney Montague
plays Larry

Oscar Rowland
plays Homer

Beverly Rowland
plays Edna

John F. Goff
plays Officer Hill

George Buck Flower
plays Pappy Nyquist

George Buck Flower as Pappy Nyquist

George Buck Flower (October 28, 1937 – June 18, 2004) was an American actor, writer, producer, assistant director, pr...

See George Buck Flower's other roles

Mike Riley
plays Berserker

Bart The Bear
plays Bear

Crew of Berserker

Discover the backstage crew of Berserker →