Cast and Crew of Beavis and Butt-Head

Beavis and Butt-Head

"Beavis and Butt-Head" is an iconic animated comedy series that was first introduced to audiences in 1993. The show revolves around the titular characters, two adolescent boys who are known for their shared lack of intelligence and their peculiar obsession with heavy metal music, TV, nachos, and girls. Their comedic commentary on music videos became a hallmark of the show, demonstrating their disjointed understanding of popular culture and their own identity within it.

The hilarity of the series stems not just from their bizarre commentary and ludicrous escapades, but also from their unsuccessful exploits with the opposite sex. When they aren't sitting on the couch—an activity they frequently entertain themselves with—Beavis and Butt-Head can be seen attempting to court girls at the local convenience store, using pick-up lines that are as ineffective as they are hilariously naive. However, their ambitions go beyond mere romance, as these teenage misfits also aspire to disrupt the routines of their schooling and paid employment.

True to their nature, they manage to stir up trouble almost everywhere they go, whether it's in the classroom or at a burger joint where they slack off. The consistent chaos they create and the scope of their misadventures make for an entertaining watch, as their misguided strategies and dim-witted antics create a unique blend of humor that is both juvenile and immensely hilarious. Ultimately, the charm of "Beavis and Butt-Head" lies in its ability to encapsulate the mundane reality of adolescence and transform it into a timeless exploration of friendship, immaturity, and heavy metal.

Main Cast of Beavis and Butt-Head

Mike Judge as Beavis / Butt-Head (voice)

Mike Judge

as Beavis / Butt-Head (voice) (221 episodes)
Mike Judge's performance as both Beavis and Butt-Head in the titular animated TV series is nothing short of iconic. His voice work expertly brings these two dim-witted, metal-loving teenagers to life, with distinct vocal inflections and mannerisms that distinguish each character. Beavis' iconic "huh huh huh" laugh and Butt-Head's sarcastic "heh heh heh" are instantly recognizable to fans of the show, and Judge's ability to switch seamlessly between the two voices highlights his impressive range as a voice actor. The success of Beavis and Butt-Head can be largely attributed to Judge's ability to create memorable, hilarious characters that resonated with audiences and helped shape the landscape of '90s television.

Secondary Cast of Beavis and Butt-Head

Adam Welsh

as Stewart Stevenson (voice) (14 episodes)
David Letterman

David Letterman

David Michael Letterman (born April 12, 1947) is an American former television talk show host, comedian, writer, and ...

Gilbert Gottfried

Gilbert Gottfried

Gilbert Jeremy Gottfried (February 28, 1955 - April 12, 2022) was an American actor and stand-up comedian. Gottfried'...

Bobcat Goldthwait as Bum (voice)

Bobcat Goldthwait

as Bum (voice) (1 episode)

Robert Francis "Bobcat" Goldthwait is an American screen and voice actor, comedian, screenwriter, and film and televi...

Frank Welker

Frank Welker

Franklin Wendell Welker (born March 12, 1946) is an American voice actor with an extensive career spanning nearly six...

Toby Huss as Reporter (voice)

Toby Huss

as Reporter (voice) (1 episode) , Todd Ianuzzi (voice) (8 episodes)

Toby Edward Huss (born December 9, 1966) is an American actor. He is best known for portraying Artie, the Strongest M...

David Spade as Mr. Candy (voice)

David Spade

as Mr. Candy (voice) (1 episode) , Ticket Attendant (voice) (1 episode) , Mr. Manners (voice) (1 episode)

David Wayne Spade (born July 22, 1964) is an American actor, comedian and television personality who first became fam...

Dean Julian

as Peter Small (voice) (1 episode) , Earl (voice) (1 episode) , Mr. Manners (voice) (1 episode)
Thomas Middleditch as Stewart Stevenson (voice)

Thomas Middleditch

as Stewart Stevenson (voice) (1 episode)

Thomas Steven Middleditch is a Canadian actor, comedian, and television writer, known for his role as Richard Hendric...

Crew of Beavis and Butt-Head

Discover the backstage crew of Beavis and Butt-Head →