In the 2011 adaptation of "Beauty," Hugh Sachs delivers a compelling performance as Sickle, the eccentric and flamboyant proprietor of a magical shop that becomes pivotal to the film's narrative. Sachs infuses Sickle with a charismatic energy, capturing the character's enigmatic nature and otherworldly charm. His portrayal is a delicate balance of whimsy and wisdom, as Sickle dances around the line between friend and foe to the protagonist, Suzy, played by Shona Kay. With a sharp wit and a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Sachs brings depth to the role, ensuring that Sickle is both memorable and multifaceted. His scenes are laden with an air of mystery and an undercurrent of dark humor, as he navigates the complexities of a character who is at once both helper and hindrance to Suzy's journey. Sachs's performance is a standout, providing a delightful contrast to the more grounded characters, and contributing significantly to the film's fairy-tale atmosphere.