Cast and Crew of B.B. King & Friends

Cast of
B.B. King & Friends

About B.B. King & Friends

  • Released on April 14, 1987

Live concert recording of B.B. King playing with many guests, including Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Albert King, Etta James, Dr. John, Paul Butterfield, Billy Ocean & Phil Collins.

Full Cast of B.B. King & Friends

B.B. King
plays Himself

Stevie Ray Vaughan
plays Himself

Phil Collins
plays Him Self

Phil Collins as Him Self

While other major artists trudge painfully through a handful of over promoted releases each decade; this drummer/acto...

See Phil Collins's other roles

Dr. John
plays Himself

Eric Clapton
plays Himself

Albert King
plays Himself

Etta James

Etta James

Etta James was born on January 25, 1938 and passed away 12 years ago at the age of 73 on January 20, 2012.

See Etta James's other roles