In the near future, the existence of "Adepts," people who possess extraordinary abilities known as "Septimal Powers," has caused widespread chaos around the world. In the nation of Japan, order and peace is maintained by a large conglomerate known as the Sumeragi Group. One group known as QUILL (Quorum for Unrestricted Information, Law, and Liberty) pledged to revolt against the Sumeragi Group.
Ayumu Murase is a Japanese voice actor. In 2016, he won 10th Seiyu Awards for Best Male Rookie. Ayumu is his stage na...
See Ayumu Murase's other roles →Haruki Ishiya (石谷 春貴, Ishiya Haruki, January 14, 1992) is a Japanese voice actor born in the city of Nobeoka, Miyazak...
See Haruki Ishiya's other roles →Kaito Ishikawa is a Japanese voice actor from Tokyo. He is affiliated with Stay Luck (previously with Pro-Fit).
See Kaito Ishikawa's other roles →