Australian Idol is an Australian singing competition, which began its first season in July 2003 and ended its original run in November 2009 before being revived in January 2023. As part of the Idol franchise, Australian Idol originated from the reality program Pop Idol, which was created by British entertainment executive Simon Fuller. Australian Idol was televised on Network Ten for its first seven series and was broadcast on Austereo Radio Network between 2005 and 2007.
Cynthia Ann Stephanie "Cyndi" Lauper is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and LGBT rights activist whose caree...
See Cyndi Lauper's other roles →Daryl Sabara (born June 14, 1992) is an American film and television actor, best known for playing Juni Cortez in the...
See Daryl Sabara's other roles →Kelly Brianne (born April 24, 1982), known professionally as Kelly Clarkson, is an American singer, songwriter, actre...
See Kelly Clarkson's other roles →Meghan Elizabeth Trainor (born December 22, 1993) is an American singer-songwriter and talent show judge. She rose to...
See Meghan Trainor's other roles →Amali Golden was born on June 2, 1988 and is currently 36 years old.
See Amali Golden's other roles →