Cast of

About Aubrey

  • Released on January 22, 1982

A biographical portrait of pen-and-ink artist, Aubrey Beardsley.

Full Cast of Aubrey

John Dicks
plays Aubrey Beardsley

Rula Lenska
plays Mabel Beardsley

Ronald Lacey
plays Leonard Smithers

Ronald Lacey as Leonard Smithers

Ronald Lacey (28 September 1935 – 15 May 1991) was an English actor. He made numerous television and film appearances...

See Ronald Lacey's other roles

Sandor Elès
plays Raffalovich

Roger Hammond
plays Opera House Manager

Christopher Strauli
plays Arthur Symons

Peggy Ann Jones
plays Alice Smithers

Gwen Ffrangcon Davies
plays Reverend Mother

Crew of Aubrey

Discover the backstage crew of Aubrey →