Cast of
At Midnight

About At Midnight

  • Released on December 25, 1957
  • Drama

On New Year's Eve in 1956 the artist couple, the actor János and the dancer Viki are hastily packing. While they are waiting for the car, which is to take them across the border, their entire life is replayed in front of their eyes.

Full Cast of At Midnight

Viktor Gertler

Viktor Gertler

Viktor Gertler was born on August 24, 1901 and passed away 54 years ago at the age of 67 on July 5, 1969.

See Viktor Gertler's other roles

Marianne Krencsey

Marianne Krencsey

Marianne Krencsey was born on July 9, 1931 and passed away 8 years ago at the age of 84 on March 30, 2016.

See Marianne Krencsey's other roles