Cast and Crew of Anderson Cooper 360°

Cast of
Anderson Cooper 360°

About Anderson Cooper 360°

  • Released on September 08, 2003
  • News Talk

Anderson Cooper 360° is a news program that stands out from the rest due to its unique approach to storytelling. Hosted by renowned journalist Anderson Cooper, the show goes beyond the surface level of current events to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. By presenting stories from multiple perspectives, Anderson Cooper 360° empowers its audience to form their own opinions about the news, rather than simply telling them what to think.

One of the key ways that Anderson Cooper 360° achieves this is by dedicating significant time and resources to in-depth reporting. Rather than relying solely on sound bites and brief interviews, the show's team of experienced journalists delve deep into the stories they cover, providing viewers with a wealth of information and context. This approach allows viewers to gain a more nuanced understanding of the news, as they are able to see how different factors and perspectives relate to one another.

Another hallmark of Anderson Cooper 360° is its commitment to holding powerful figures accountable. Whether it's interviewing politicians, business leaders, or other newsmakers, Cooper and his team never shy away from asking tough questions and demanding straight answers. By doing so, the show helps to ensure that those in positions of power are held accountable for their actions, and that the public is informed about important issues and events.

Overall, Anderson Cooper 360° is a must-watch news program for anyone who wants to stay informed about the world around them. With its commitment to in-depth reporting, multiple perspectives, and accountability, the show provides viewers with a unique and valuable perspective on the news. So if you're looking for a news program that will help you make up your own mind about the issues of the day, be sure to check out Anderson Cooper 360°.

Main Cast of Anderson Cooper 360°

Secondary Cast of Anderson Cooper 360°

Stephanie Tubbs Jones

Charles B. Rangel

Tom Foreman

Erica Hill
plays Self (131 episodes)

Ed Schultz

Michael Medved

Karen Tumulty

Ari Fleischer

Joel Osteen

John Harwood

Candy Crowley

Christiane Amanpour
plays Self (8 episodes)

Mary Frances Berry

Jessica Yellin
plays Self (1 episode)

Drew Griffin

Thomas Mesereau

Chris Dodd

Jeff Corwin

Jami Floyd

Jim Moret

Joe Klein
plays Self (9 episodes)

Roland Martin
plays Self (33 episodes)

David Gergen
plays Self (74 episodes)

Lisa Bloom

Mike Gravel

Rick Sanchez

John Roberts
plays Self (8 episodes)

Suzanne Malveaux

John Edwards

Bill Richardson

Campbell Brown
plays Self (4 episodes)

Dennis Kucinich
plays Himself (1 episode)

Paul Begala
plays Self (3 episodes)