This 1970s period dramedy inspired by the real life Kyle Richards and set amid the sexual revolution and the rise of second-wave feminism follows Bonnie, an unconventional mother struggling to raise her two daughters after leaving her husband. With the help of her two best friends, Kathleen and Diana, these three women will each discover their own brand of independence in a world reluctant to give it.
Alicia Silverstone (born October 4, 1976) is an American actress. She made her film debut in the thriller The Crush (...
Mena Alexandra Suvari (born February 13, 1979) is an American actress, producer, fashion designer and model. After be...
Landon Gordon was born on November 30, 2009 and is currently 14 years old.
Katherine LaNasa (born December 1, 1966) is an American actress, former ballet dancer and choreographer. She starred ...