Cast and Crew of Always Miss You

Cast of
Always Miss You

About Always Miss You

With relationship fail after relationship fail, Xinyi (Amber Kuo) believes she’s finally stumbled onto a good man; throwing herself into this new and potentially life changing relationship, she thinks her days of being single are over. But when her teenage crush re-enters her life, she has to decide who to pick – and who will pick her.

Full Cast of Always Miss You

Amber Kuo
plays Lin Xin Tian

Amber Kuo as Lin Xin Tian

Amber Kuo is a Taiwanese Mandopop singer and actress.

See Amber Kuo's other roles

Ryan Zheng Kai
plays Wu Chuan

Ryan Zheng Kai as Wu Chuan

Ryan Zheng Kai is a Chinese film and television actor.

See Ryan Zheng Kai's other roles

Li Dongxue
plays Huang Ke Qun

Xie Yi-lin
plays Guo Xiao Meng

Annie Liu
plays Li Jie Ru

Shiny Yao

Crew of Always Miss You

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