Cast and Crew of Allegiance

Cast of

About Allegiance

Inspired by the true-life experience of its star George Takei, Allegiance follows one family's extraordinary journey in this untold American story following the events of Pearl Harbor. Their loyalty was questioned, their freedom taken away, but their spirit could never be broken.

Full Cast of Allegiance

Aaron Albano
plays Tom Maruyama

Marcus Choi
plays Johnny Goto

Michael K. Lee
plays Frankie Suzuki

Michael K. Lee as Frankie Suzuki

Michael K. Lee was born on June 5, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.

See Michael K. Lee's other roles

George Takei
plays Sam Kimura / Ojii-Chan

George Takei as Sam Kimura / Ojii-Chan

George Hosato Takei Altman (born April 20, 1937) is an American actor of Japanese descent, best known for his role in...

See George Takei's other roles