Cast and Crew of Alibi Breaker

Cast of
Alibi Breaker

About Alibi Breaker

  • Released on February 01, 2020

In a local shopping street in Nano prefecture, far from the metropole, young Tokino Mitani runs a clocksmith that she inherited from her grandfather all by herself. Her main job is to repair watches and clocks, but she is about to start a side business, a service to break alibis for a fee of 5000 yen per case with a guarantee that the fee is billed only when the alibi is broken. . One day, Tokino meets Yoshiyuki Saji, a detective who is newly assigned to the prefectural police department. Saji cannot break a very solid alibi at a case he is working on and secretly asks Tokino to break it. The case is very challenging, but will Tokino lead him to solve the case!?

Full Cast of Alibi Breaker

Minami Hamabe
plays Tokino Mitani (美谷時乃) (7 episodes)

Ken Yasuda
plays Yoshiyuki Saji (7 episodes)

Tokio Emoto
plays Hideto Higuchi (7 episodes)

Yuta Inoue
plays Atomu Shimogo (7 episodes)

Takuya Mizoguchi
plays Masato Hori (7 episodes)

Hitomi Korenaga
plays Karen Takasugi (7 episodes)

Leo Morimoto
plays Tokio Mitani (7 episodes)

Masanobu Katsumura
plays Takumi Makimura (7 episodes)

Shinsho Nakamaru
plays Tetsuji Watanuki (7 episodes)

Ryosei Tayama
plays Kozo Isoda (1 episode)

Tomomi Maruyama
plays Shinichiro Okuyama (1 episode)

Kanna Moriya
plays Kasumi Nakajima (1 episode)

Crew of Alibi Breaker