Cast of

About Alexa

  • Released on January 01, 1989
  • Drama

Alexa is very attentive to her customer's requests, but soon realizes that prostitution has limited long term career potential...

Full Cast of Alexa

Christine Moore
plays Alexa

Kirk Baily
plays Tony

Kirk Baily as Tony

Kirk Baily (born February 2, 1963 in New York City, New York) is an American actor and voice actor. He is best known...

See Kirk Baily's other roles

Ruth Collins
plays Marshall

Joe Giardina
plays Jan

Thomas R. Voth
plays Tommy

Adam Michenner
plays March

Michael Imperioli
plays Acid Head

Michael Imperioli as Acid Head

James Michael Imperioli (born March 26, 1966), commonly known as Michael Imperioli, is an Italian-American actor and ...

See Michael Imperioli's other roles

Crew of Alexa

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