"After School Club" is an engaging live music request show designed specifically for K-Pop enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. This vibrant program invites viewers to participate actively in the fun and excitement through a variety of interactive platforms. Each week, fans have the unique opportunity to join live video chat sessions via Google Hangouts, allowing them to connect with their favorite artists in real-time. Whether you’re tuning in from the comfort of your home or on the go, the show fosters a sense of community among K-Pop lovers, enabling them to share their experiences and passion for music.
The show features a dynamic lineup of hosts and frequent guests who bring their enthusiasm and charisma to the screen. Notably, Park Ji-min has made quite an impression as both a host and a guest on the show, showcasing his charm and ability to engage with the audience. Additionally, Lee Jae Yun has taken the reins as a host, taking viewers on a journey through the world of K-Pop with insightful commentary and behind-the-scenes stories. Together, the hosts create a lively atmosphere that makes fans feel like they are part of something extraordinary, while also bringing the latest and greatest in K-Pop directly to their screens.
In addition to live interactions, "After School Club" encourages viewers to engage through social media. Fans can send in their questions and song requests via tweets, allowing them to influence the show and make their voices heard. This interactive approach is part of what makes the show so special, as it thrives on the energy and enthusiasm of its audience. With special guests who bring their unique flair to the program, "After School Club" continues to be a must-watch for any K-Pop aficionado looking to deepen their connection with the genre and its stars. Join the fun, express your love for music, and be a part of this exciting community that celebrates K-Pop every week!
Kim Young Hoon is the vocalist, visual and dancer of the boy group The Boyz. He appeared in Melody Day's music video ...