Cast and Crew of After Louise

Cast of
After Louise

About After Louise

Kath, a shy young woman, befriends Bob, the reclusive gardener at a seaside hotel where she's getting married. Kath has never come to terms with her mother leaving home when she was eight and that her overbearing father, Ken, never talks about her. Now she is getting married to escape, only to discover that her fiancée, Steve, is completely dominated by Ken as well. Bob is a gentle, eccentric man with a dry sense of humour and a troubled past. He spent a long time in prison and in the years he's worked at the hotel he has never ventured beyond the gardens, which he tends with obsessive care. Kath sparks a connection to an unresolved relationship from Bob's past with a girl called Louise which resonates so strongly that he feels compelled to leave the safety of the hotel and confront his past.

Full Cast of After Louise

Greg Wise
plays Bob

Tessa Peake-Jones
plays Bryony

Lewis Rainer
plays Steve

Lewis Rainer as Steve

Lewis Rainer was born on October 4, 1989 and is currently 34 years old.

See Lewis Rainer's other roles

Alice Sykes
plays Kath

Martin Marquez
plays Ken

Dean Coulson
plays Don

Sharon Bower
plays Pat

Emma Davidson
plays Agressive Women

Isabella Davidson
plays Child at windmill

Manal El-Feitury
plays Second Woman at windmill 2

Sandra Hagelstam
plays Louise

Eleanor Herdman
plays Cheryl

Clive Llewellyn
plays Postman

Michael Müller
plays Nurse

Michael Müller as Nurse

Michael Müller was born on May 20, 1959 and is currently 65 years old.

See Michael Müller's other roles

Eunice Olumide
plays First Woman at windmill

Andy Pandini
plays Guard

Willow Scheinmann
plays Young Alice

Sophie Scott
plays Kath's Mother

Emma Smet
plays Motel Receptionist

Sarah Sutcliffe
plays Waitress

Lynne Verrall
plays Elizabeth

Crew of After Louise

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