
In the summer of 1974, a troubled teen and her mom move to a small town to start a new life but their violent past begins to wreak havoc on the town and its residents, especially their bullied teen neighbor.

Full Cast of Abigail

Ava Cantrell as Abigail Cole

Ava Cantrell

as Abigail Cole

Ava Cantrell was born on June 19, 2001 and is currently 23 years old.

Gene Farber as Eddie

Gene Farber

as Eddie

Gene Farber was born on November 14, 1978 and is currently 46 years old.

Gunnar Garrett

as Mr. Stetson

Patrick Hilgart

as Micah

Rob Gore

as Sheriff Moxey

Conner Stiles

as Ben

Tren Brown

as Lucas Wright

Meredith Vivian

as Victoria

Jodie Garrett

as Mrs. Thompson

Crew of Abigail

Discover the backstage crew of Abigail →