Cast of
Abang Adik

About Abang Adik

  • Released on December 01, 2023
  • Drama

'Abang Adik' is a heartwarming and thought-provoking movie that tells the story of two undocumented orphans, Abang and Adi, who are trying to make a living in present-day Malaysia. Abang, the older brother, is a deaf-mute who has come to terms with their difficult situation and has accepted their life of poverty. He is a quiet and introspective character who has learned to communicate through sign language and has a strong bond with his younger brother.

Adi, on the other hand, is a fiery and rebellious teenager who is tired of their hand-to-mouth existence. He dreams of a better life and is determined to do whatever it takes to escape poverty. Despite his tough exterior, Adi has a soft spot for his older brother and is fiercely protective of him. The two siblings share a deep bond, but their fragile relationship is put to the test when a brutal accident occurs.

The accident serves as a turning point in the movie and forces Abang and Adi to confront their fears and insecurities. Abang is forced to come out of his shell and take charge of the situation, while Adi is forced to reevaluate his priorities and learn the true meaning of sacrifice. The movie is a powerful exploration of the themes of family, brotherhood, and the immigrant experience, and is sure to leave viewers feeling both inspired and emotionally moved. With its compelling storyline and memorable characters, 'Abang Adik' is a must-watch for anyone who loves a good drama.

Full Cast of Abang Adik