Cast and Crew of A Strange Marriage

Cast of
A Strange Marriage

About A Strange Marriage

  • Released on August 12, 1951
  • Drama

Különös házasság is a 1951 Hungarian drama film directed by Márton Keleti. It was entered into the 1951 Cannes Film Festival.

Full Cast of A Strange Marriage

Tivadar Uray
plays Archbishop István Fáy

Sándor Pécsi
plays Ignác Medve, doctor

Sándor Pécsi as Ignác Medve, doctor

Sándor Pécsi was born on March 18, 1922 and passed away 51 years ago at the age of 50 on November 4, 1972.

See Sándor Pécsi's other roles

Miklós Szakáts
plays Jeszenka

Miklós Szakáts as Jeszenka

Miklós Szakáts was born on April 30, 1920 and passed away 39 years ago at the age of 64 on October 22, 1984.

See Miklós Szakáts's other roles

György Gonda

Crew of A Strange Marriage

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