Cast of
A Crevice of Violence

About A Crevice of Violence

  • Released on April 30, 2015
  • Crime

"A Crevice of Violence" is a story about a boy’s life. His mother has left the family and his father is an alcoholic. The boy is a very violent troublemaker. The stand out point of "A Crevice of Violence "is that it doesn’t only show the cycle of violation but actually questions on how to exit this vicious cycle. The film tries to find a way through the attitude of his remarried mother and his judge in charge and the facial expression of the boy when he meets them.

Full Cast of A Crevice of Violence

Seo Jae-kyu
plays Ki-hyuk

Jeong Do-won
plays Judge

Lee Hak-ju
plays Chung-hee

Lee Hak-ju as Chung-hee

Lee Hak-ju was born on January 9, 1989 and is currently 35 years old.

See Lee Hak-ju's other roles

Gwon Gi-ha
plays Han-sung

Crew of A Crevice of Violence

Discover the backstage crew of A Crevice of Violence →