Cast of
A Cloudless Vacation

About A Cloudless Vacation

  • Released on May 09, 1968
  • Comedy

Péter and Pál, two notorious skirt hunters competing in wooing Oana, a pretty Romanian girl on the beach at Tihany. A couple of days later the girl gets a telegram saying that she has to leave for Bucharest immediately. The party - which has increased with Piri, the interpreter, and Ági, the hitch-hiker - gets to a Romanian village by Peter's ramshackle car, a 1921 Colymne. The car, however, breaks down.

Full Cast of A Cloudless Vacation

József Szendrő
plays Fogadós

József Szendrő as Fogadós

József Szendrő was born on August 18, 1914 and passed away 52 years ago at the age of 57 on October 22, 1971.

See József Szendrő's other roles