Cast of
A Bird of Heaven

About A Bird of Heaven

  • Released on March 20, 1958
  • Drama

Panni, coming from a landless family of ten and Miska have loved each other for a long time. The pretty Panni, however, has another suitor as well: Komáromi, the big farmer. The two men fight from time to time, but then, during the time Miska is serving his military duty, Panni marries Komáromi to end the tremendous squalor of her family.

Full Cast of A Bird of Heaven

László György
plays Sergeant

László György as Sergeant

László György was born on August 1, 1923 and passed away 38 years ago at the age of 62 on May 12, 1986.

See László György's other roles

Béla Barsi
plays Tanító

Béla Barsi as Tanító

Béla Barsi was born on January 23, 1906 and passed away 56 years ago at the age of 62 on April 30, 1968.

See Béla Barsi's other roles

Sándor Siménfalvy