This in-world short film takes place in the year 2036 and revolves around Jared Leto’s character, Niander Wallace. In this short, Wallace introduces a new line of “perfected” replicants called the Nexus 9, seeking to get the prohibition on replicants repealed. This no doubt has serious ramifications that will be crucial to the plot of Blade Runner 2049.
Jared Joseph Leto (/ˈlɛtoʊ/; born December 26, 1971) is an American actor and musician. After starting his career wit...
Benedict Wong was born in 1970 in Manchester, England. He is an actor and writer, best known for his role as Wong in ...
Ania Marson was born on May 22, 1949 and is currently 75 years old.
Ned Dennehy (born 8 December 1965) is an Irish actor who has appeared in multiple films and television programmes. He...